Beginnings of Technology in the UN
Late 1960s

UN organizations started relying increasingly on costly Electronic Data Processing (EDP) equipment. Instead of purchasing their own equipment and anticipating major economies of scale, the three founders of UNICC, namely the United Nations (UN), th​e United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) decide to join forces to put in place a shared Electronic Data Processing (EDP) facility.

17 December 1970

Owing to the sensitivity of the information dealt with, UNICC’s three founders opt for the creation of a shared facility within the UN family rather than relying on a private Electronic Data Processing (EDP) se​rvice. Pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 2741 (XXV) of 17 December 1970, UNICC is created as an inter-organization facility to provide a common EDP.

More Agencies Join UNICC

The initial agreement between UNICC’s three founding UN organizations explicitly encourages other Agencies​​​ in the UN system to join the newly born inter-Age​ncy shared ICT services organization.

UNICC primarily provides mainframe services to its growing number of Partner Organizations. Low speed lines between UNICC and Partner Organizations’ premises are mostly used as dedicated links for accessing UNICC’s mainframe system.

Organizations Deploy LANs and PCs Arrive
Early 1990s

During the early 1990s, low speed lines between UNICC and Client premises are gradually replaced by higher speed, multi-protocol trunks. UN organizations are beginning to deploy Local Area Networks (LANs).

At the same time, across the UN and within the growing UNICC family of Partner Organizations, dedicated mainframe terminals are replaced with PCs emulating costly and cumbersome mainframe terminals.

UNICC Offers Internet Access
Mid 1990s

In 1994, UNICC installs an Internet gateway and access to the Internet is initially provisioned through the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) with an initial access bandwidth of 64 KBps.

In 1995, UNICC starts to offer Internet access as well as Gopher and World Wide Web hosting services. UNICC also installs a messaging hub which allows Clients to exchange emails.

UNICC Opens Office in New York, USA

UNICC opens a second office to support Clients located in New York, USA and North America. Later, in 2009, the organization establishes a data centre in Piscataway, New Jersey.

UNICC Arrives in Rome, Italy

UNICC establishes a presence in Rome, Italy, to support Partner Organizations. Currently UNICC supports three organizations in Rome: World Food Programme (WFP), International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Y2K Millennium Transition
31 December 1999

UNICC starts Y2K compliance testing in 1998 and in 1999 completes the migration of its systems and services to a Y2K-compliant environment. From 31 December 1999 to 1 January 2000 UNICC carries out its Y2K transition plan successfully with no related issues.

UNICC Lands in Brindisi, Italy
May 2002

UNICC opens its first operational Centre of Excellence in Brindisi, Italy. In the photo, UNICC Brindisi celebrates 15 years of service in 2017.

UNICC Supports Enterprise Resources Planning

By 2006, UNICC develops its skills and know-how to run and support the three market-leading Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, namely SAP, Oracle e-Business and PeopleSoft. UNICC continues to host ERP systems for various Partners Organizations, enhancing and expanding the service.

UNICC Opens Office in Valencia, Spain

UNICC signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the UN Department of Field Support – now called the UN Department of Operational Support – for the use of office space and data centre facilities in the United Nations Support Base premises in Valencia, Spain.

UNICC has positioned its footprint in Valencia as the ICT Centre of Excellence for the entire UN system for innovative solutions, including a UN-wide Security Operations Centre.

UNICC Receives International Certifications
2013 to 2017

In 2013, UNICC introduces compliance with ISAE 3402 audit standards and receives ISO 27001 certification for information security management. In 2014 UNICC receives ISO 20000 certification for one Client in 2014, with certification for all of its shared services by the end of 2017.

UNICC Wins CSO50 Information Security Award
April 2017

UNICC wins an award for its Continuous Security Improvement Suite (CSI), a set of solutions to improve its information security management capabilities provided to its United Nations Partner Organizations.

UNICC Presence in Hanoi
June 2018

UNICC sets up shop with UNDP at the Green One UN House (GOUNH) to support Asian Clients. The first work is to assist the Asian Development Bank’s Enterprise SharePoint administration.

Spanish Government Contributes to the UNICC Centre of Excellence in Valencia
December 2018

The Spanish government contributes 6 million Euros to UNICC’s Spanish growth and commits to provide a new building for UNICC use at the Valencia base.

UNICC grows its footprint in Valencia, with many more staff and contractors centered there, strengthening its role as an ICT Centre of Excellence for innovative, digital business solutions for the entire UN family.

UNICC Launches Digital Transformation Plan
2018 to 2020

The UN Secretary-General sets about UN Reform with the strategic priorities of enhancing the UN’s contributions to sustainable development, reforming UN peace and security capabilities and ensuring more agile and effective capacities to better deliver the UN mandate.

At the behest of its Management Committee, UNICC takes this challenge up and adopts new technologies and re-tools teams to support change, including Client digital transformation strategies . The UNICC plan focuses on developing new capabilities, optimising the organization, building strategic partnerships, deepening Client focus and strengthening UNICC’s cultural values. The result is a fit-for-purpose shared services organization prepared for the UN challenges of tomorrow.

UNICC Wins CSO50 Information Security Award

UNICC is honoured a second time with a 2020 CSO50 Information Security Award for its Common Secure Information Security Hub that includes over 30 Clients and Partner Organizations.

First Virtual Management Committee
22 and 23 April 2020

UNICC’s 105th meeting marks a historic milestone as the first fully virtual session in nearly 50 years.

UNICC Celebrates 50 Anniversary
17 December 2020

UNICC has had a vibrant and productive 50 years, with much to celebrate as we reflect back and look forward. With 2030 around the corner, UNICC has redoubled its efforts to achieve the SDGs, reduce the digital divide, optimise business through smart and cost-effective innovation and leave no one behind. Join us in UNICC’s celebration!

UNICC Receives Business Continuity International Certification
May 2021

UNICC receives ISO 22301:2019 certification for its Security and Resilience and Business Continuity Management Systems, a widely recognised international benchmark which specifies the requirements to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and continually improve a documented management system to protect against, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, prepare for, respond to and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise.​​​

UN Secretary-General Visits the UN Support Base in Valencia to Celebrate it’s 10th Anniversary
1 July 2021

UNICC is proud to have been a part of the warm welcome to Secretary-General António Guterres to the UN Support Base in Valencia to take part in the celebration of its tenth birthday. The Secretary-General recognised the work of the people at the base, where UNICC is the biggest Agency with nearly 300 personnel.

UNICC Refreshes its Identity with a New Logo

UNICC brings its look and feel up to date to match its state-of-the-art digital business solutions with a new logo that reflects who UNICC has been, is now and will continue to be.

UNICC Director Briefs UN Member States on Cybersecurity During the UNGA Fifth Committee Session
6 March 2023

Mr. Sameer Chauhan, Director of the UNICC, was invited by the Fifth Committee of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) to deliver a comprehensive briefing to UN Member States on the critical topic of cybersecurity. During the session, Mr. Chauhan addressed direct inquires pertaining to the cybersecurity services offered by UNICC, as well as provided insights into the cybersecurity posture of the UN system as a whole.

UNICC Launches the Cybersecurity Fund for the UN system
22 April 2024

UNICC officially launched the UNICC Cybersecurity Fund for the UN system in an event held at the Palais des Nations. The event was co-hosted by the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations in Geneva, and it was attended by Permanent Representatives, UN entities, and Member States’ Delegations. The Fund will become the tool for Member States to bolster cyber-resilience across United Nations system organizations through voluntary contributions. Read more
